Revel, the electric moped service that arrived in Upper Manhattan only four months ago, suspended its service across New York City yesterday following two rider deaths in 11 days.
"We're reviewing and strengthening our rider accountability and safety measures and communicating with city officials, and we look forward to serving you again in the near future," Revel tweeted on Tuesday.
The shutdown occurred the same day a man in Queens hit a light pole and died. On July 19 a TV reporter was killed in Brooklyn after being thrown from her scooter.
On Saturday, a man in Upper Manhattan sustained serious injuries after crashing into a pole.
“No one should be running a business that is not safe, and unfortunately this has been proven to be not safe,” Mayor de Blasio said at a news conference yesterday. “We will not allow them to reopen unless we’re convinced it can be done safely.”
The scooter service started up in Brooklyn in 2018, expanding to Upper Manhattan this year just as the pandemic hit.