Here's an Upper Manhattan landmark definitely worth visiting on Indigenous Peoples' Day: Shorakapok Rock.
This small boulder in Inwood Hill Park marks the spot, according to legend, where in 1626 Native Americans “sold"—or more likely agreed to share or lease for a certain time—the island of Manhattan to the Dutch for tools and beads worth 60 guilders.

Not everything about the transaction is known—there is no known document from the exchange, just a Dutch letter referencing the sale later that year. The letter doesn't mention the precise date or which tribe received the payment (most likely the Lenape).
But what is undisputed is that the area was originally indigenous peoples' land.
The marker—there's an official plaque on the rock, plus an NYC Parks Department sign right next to it—serves as an important reminder that they were here first.

On your next visit to Inwood Hill Park, be sure to check out this history-altering spot.
To find it, follow the path that loops around the park's soccer field—it's located about midway around.
You can also consult the Inwood Hill Park Map, where Shorakapok Rock is listed as one of the points of interest.